Alternate Day Fasting or ADF has certain health benefits but only for elective people. Before you dive right into this diet, know all about its benefits and possible health risks.
Fasting has been proven to be beneficial for the human body in many ways. However, studies mention clearly that only selective people must practice fasting on a regular basis. It does not have positive impacts on everyone especially children who are at a growing stage, young adults who do not posses any type of chronic health problems and adults who have very good metabolism or a lean body type.
What is alternate-day fasting (ADF)? In the simplest of words alternate-day fasting is fasting on alternate days and also eating full meals on alternate days. According some studies published in the Journal Science Direct, alternate-day fasting can be really good for people who suffer from issues like obesity, weight gain, high cholesterol and high blood sugar levels. You can practice this type of fasting by either following the classic alternate day method or by following eating one day out of three and fasting for two days. Let us learn more about its benefits and side effects.
Alternate-Day Fasting: What Are The Benefits?
As mentioned earlier, this fasting method should only be followed by selective people and only after a consultation with a doctor. Here are the benefits:
Blood Glucose Levels: Consumption of carbohydrates, processed foods and fatty foods can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. But, if a person were to cut off all these foods for two days out of three, it could prove very beneficial to maintain blood glucose. However, a person need not maintain complete fast, he or she can eat fruits and drink water and other fresh juices to keep energy levels normal.
Cholesterol Levels: Yes, fasting can help reduce cholesterol levels. Not eating every alternate day will lead to fat burning in the body which along with it will also benefit your heart and reduce cholesterol.
Weight Loss and Reduced Waist Circumference: Fasting is the best possible method of weight loss for people who are either overweight or are suffering from obesity. Fasting every alternate day will help them regulate their food intake, lose weight and reduce their waist circumference.
Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Fasting has been a proven method of improving insulin sensitivity and it must be practiced by people who suffer from diabetes.
Cellular Repair: Studies note that fasting can bring changes in adults’ stem cells. This can help in cellular regeneration and enhance tissue regeneration and repair that are caused due to certain injuries. or repair
Look Out For The Possible Side Effects Of Not Eating Enough
Our human body is conditioned to function optimally only when it is properly fed. Through food our body receives energy which keeps the functions of all the organs aligned with each other. Without enough food out body may show certain side affects that are detrimental for the body:
- Without enough food, we may face cognitive impairment. This comprises of symptoms like inability to process thoughts, concentrate and focus on work. Our brain also requires food to function.
- Loss of Body Mass Index (BMI) may lead to loss of strength and stamina in a person.
- Loss of muscles and bone density because of inadequate supply of essential nutrients can cause extra damage to health.
- Loss of immunity due to inadequate nutrient supply in the body is a risk for health.
- Feeling of tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue and constant sleepiness may arise in some people.
- Mental health problems like depression and stress.
Conclusion: Always consult with your doctor or a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes for weight loss. They can provide personalized guidance based on your medical history and current health status.
Note – If you have any health-related concerns, please call us at +91-9058577992 to receive free consultation from our experienced doctors. Thank you.